mindful Movement
​Moving with meaning as an expression of full-bodied aliveness.
Connected, conditioned, strong, flexible and agile bodies are clear instruments of perception.
Embodied spirituality is the act of RISING up to meet the spiritual dimensions of our experience, to raise our vibratory frequency to a higher octave.
A background in speech and drama, dance, martial arts and healing arts are combined to enliven, strengthen, move, shape, increase mobility, flexibility and stimulate sensations of vibrancy.
Small weights may be added to strengthen and tone muscles, increase bone-density and lubricate tendons.
Bare feet long to drum out their song on the Earth, limbs sway like branches in the air and open hearts open even wider, when stirred and touched by the music!
Enter, amplify, express, release and rejoice as we move in unified Bliss. Our mood is lifted and each cell is bathed in celebration.


Health is our greatest wealth.
A Magical Life awaits.
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