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Mohala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua

Unfolded by the waters are the faces of the flowers

healing treatments 



Counselling is about filling our emotional chalice, our love-cup.

Mohala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua is a Hawaiian saying I find inspiring.

This saying reminds us that flowers thrive where there is water.

In the same way, people thrive where living conditions are good. (Pukui 1983)


We create real wealth (waiwai) when we live in intentional harmony and give from a place of fullness.


An abundance of fresh water, beautiful  food, happy plants and harmonious animal/human relations and human/human relations reflect true wellbeing.

We add value to our community and increase abundance through the healing work we do.

Ho'okala ka pohaku, ho'okala ke kanaka.

As stone sharpens stone, so man sharpens man.

Yet, life is full of challenges, stress and many factors that influence our wellbeing marked by biological, psychological and spiritual phases of development.

Challenges along our path of development may lead to deep transformation and growth.

I encourage individuals to embrace life's challenges and  unburden their minds and hearts in a safe space.

We tap into our vast emotional expanse when we are reminded of our inner power, resourcefulness and the beauty that arise from the depths of our inner life.

You are so much more than meets the eye, on the surface, you are a deep source of wisdom, knowledge and expertise regarding your own experiences.


However, when your feelings become numbed due to traumatic experiences you may lose  the sense of vitality, vibrancy  and your current of connectedness.


If you have suffered for too long, felt anxiety stand in the way of experiencing joy like a fountain, sunk deeper into depression, or felt the gloomy shadow of chronic fatigue and inertia drain your life-force, then it is time to take action and reclaim the position of Captain of your life's Ship.

Pain is a messenger.

The Natural way is not to kill the messenger but to listen and respond to the message appropriately.

Paying attention to a broken heart or discouraged spirit is the highest gift you can give to yourself or another human being.

For me, Counselling is a form of spiritual midwifery, whereby the client may birth themselves into being.

Heightened states of Joy may also arrive as messengers, sometimes appearing out of nowhere in a moment of Grace. These are states of enduring Joy or Bliss that is born from a very deep knowing connection to our Divine origin.

Our everyday experiences are found somewhere in-between the depths and the heights of human awareness.


Joyful, heightened awareness, is a gift of Grace which may shift our perception of reality.

Once we taste such an experience and find ourselves, surrendered and nestling in the arms of God we are given a new gauge whereby we may measure our everyday experiences.

Consensus reality is to operate at a bare minimum of thinking, feeling and active participation with life. Shifts in perception  occur when we pay more attention to highlighted areas of our life and health.

Counselling is time set apart, to gain clarity, to review our experience, our lifestyle and habits which influence us the most.

Allow the noise and distractions to dissolve into the background as we focus on  the essential matters, matters which the soul naturally brings to the forefront of our awareness.

Counselling is a sacred contract between two or more people, serving the unfoldment of the

inherent potential dormant in the meeting between them.

Counselling sessions mark the most important experiences of our biography the positive and negative impact of these experiences and how they have helped to shape our destiny.

Our present challenges are shaped by past factors in relation to what calls us forward from our possible future.


To receive Counsel is an act of self-responsibility towards  becoming an active participant in the shaping of our future.

Counselling is NOT giving advice in a hierarical manner, but rather the alchemical meeting between individuals or groups creating new standards for reality together, as teams.

I work in many areas where Counselling may lead to personal development, like:

Adults and children suffering from anxiety, despair, deep grief, compassion fatigue, suicidal ideation, trauma recovery, recovery from domestic violence and abuse, recovery from abortion, vocational counselling.

I offer Nutritional guidance for clients challenged by:

  • Diabetes

  • Cholesterol

  • Menopause

  • Weight-gain

  • Arthritis

  • Optimum vitality

Ola means life, without HEALTH there is no life.

Traditional Hawaiian people know the value of the  Aina (land) and that the Aina gives life.

Maintaining the Aina will ensure a thriving community and promote improved health and longevity for all.

In a similar fashion, tilling the inner soil (physical, psychological and spiritual), tilling or digesting life-experiences, provide the raw materials, which gives new meaning to our life .


Our relationship to the land, the trees, the animals, the ocean, the wind and our human consciousness, have an interrelated impact on our healthy development.

This interrelated practice of harmonious relationships between nature and man is called Lokahi.

In Hawaii LOKAHI is a concept which represents highly functional and vibrantly connected communities.


We can only connect to others as deeply as we have connected with ourselves.

As a Counsellor it is my role to identify, empathise, challenge, clarify, responded to, advocated for the presenting issue of the client.

Reclaiming our inner landscape, in connection with life,  means we become the Architects of our own experiences. It means we give new meaning to our lives, from the inside out.

As the experts of our own experiences and the Architects of our inner landscape we regain our inner strength, courage and internal resources and no longer hand our inner power over to external advisors.

In this manner our inner resources or inner light, which is ultimately lit from the Divine source, remains intact, as part of a vast sacred Light, the true Light which warms the world.

One of the most treasured and beautiful experiences is when a moment between my client and I arrive, where we can both feel the air between us become thick with the presence of the Holy Spirit.


That moment  is a sacred moment, those moments are what I live for.

Such a moment in time is true Bliss.

Every choice affects and reflects our faculties of perception.

All developmental work requires energy (mana).

To gather, direct and protect the mana and the land we have been entrusted with requires devotion.

A person with strong mana if full of vitality, and express their mana with generous gratitude. 

In a similar manner we would tend the soil to ensure a good harvest, we tend the soil of our inner life, in order to produce good fruits in our lifetime.


Internal development results in external transformation.

To grow people is just as important as growing beautiful gardens.

To be a Counselor is to grow people and the courage, resilience, gifts and resources within them.


It is an honour to witness your unfoldment and to serve the growing light of understanding kindled between us.



 Let us honour the pearls of your experience-awareness.

massage therapy

  massage therapy

Let me help you heal.


I offer safe, Therapeutic Integrative Massage, a beautiful and tranquil means of connecting with a client. I sense, through the means of touch, underlying tension patterns, in order to bring about healing, nurturing and restored balance.


Ho'olomilomi is the Hawaiian practice of healing massage.


A cocoon-like space, where I incorporate the principals of Lomi-Lomi and Tai-chi is created while receiving Integrative Massage Treatments.

Massage include the use of Botanicals to restore and rejuvenate the body. 


In today's fast-paced world, Massage can no longer be considered a luxury, it is a necessity.

Deep relaxation is not the only benefit of Massage Therapy. with every massage you will also improve your immune response.

Integrative Massage relieves pain due to improved function, toxin removal and improved circulation in the body.

The Therapist's positive thoughts and healing intentions induce a receptive state for receiving healing. An optimal healing environment is created.

While receiving a massage, breathing is often normalised as the respiratory rate improves.

The heart-rate and circulation is also affected positively and the systolic and diastolic blood pressure is regulated.

A significant decrease in symptoms of anxiety and mood disturbances as well as insomnia, structural misalignments, chronic fatigue and inflammation may be experienced

In combination with Counselling and Laser Therapy, Massage Therapy can significantly reduce the dose of medication a client may be using or needing, due to improved function of the system, even to the point of steadily being weaned off certain medication, under supervision.

Rikta Laser Device
laser light therapy

 laser light therapy

Let me help you heal pain, stiffness and inflammation.

Laser light generates a photo-chemical response in damaged tissue through a process called photo-bio-stimulation.

This process stimulates healing on a cellular level by enabling cells to rapidly produce ATP ( Energy).

Cold Lasers are designed to deliver painless, non-invasive, non-pharmacological treatment for a diverse range of human and animal ailments.

The Laser device combines the most effective type of electromagnetic radiation and simultaneously provides penetrative impacts of coherent light, in combination with stabilising the client's biomagnetic field.

The Rikta device, designed in Russia, is used to treat cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, urological, broncho-pulmonary, gastro-intestinal, stomatological, dermal, oncological, endocrine, nervous-system and trauma conditions.

Comra devices combine Laser radiance frequencies, coloured light and ultra-sound. In this way these devices treat the underlying condition and improves the inherent ability to regenerate on multiple levels.

Below are just some of the conditions and treatments I offer:


Rheumatism is an umbrella term used to describe a group of inflammatory conditions.

Inflammation can occur in the joints, tendons, muscle, ligaments, cartilage, fat, connective tissue or membranes.

There are different kinds of Rheumatism like, gout, osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis depending on the location and cause of the inflammation.   

What causes Rheumatism?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition. Under healthy circumstances the body will make anti-bodies to fight off inflammation (bacteria and viruses) but in the case of Rheumatoid arthritis the immune system attacks healthy body tissue and works against itself.


Therefore, we have to treat the immune system as a whole in order to regain freedom of movement and freedom from pain.

Neurological pain:

Neurological pain occurs when a nerve has become diseased or damaged

Neurological pain is often accompanied by a pins-and-needles sensation or a numbness.

Nerve pain can be located in a limb, the spinal cord or the brain.

Neurological pain is often the result of an injury or obstruction along the spinal cord or the nerves attached to the spinal cord.

Neurological pain can also be caused by viruses like the Bell's Palsy virus or the shingles virus that causes a painful rash. Shingles typically looks like a single stripe of blisters that wraps around the left or right side of the torso. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus-the same virus that causes chickenpox.

Neurological pain can also feel like hot water dripping down a limb, electric shocks,  or a burning sensation.

Back and neck pain:

Back and neck pain can be caused by injury to the spine, joints, muscles, nerves or ligaments surrounding the spine.

Degenerative conditions like Rheumatic conditions have a deep seated effect on spinal and connective tissue health.

Back and neck pain can be the result of slipped or herniated discs, stenosis, spondylosis or myelopathy.

Sometimes pain can be felt in one area but originate from another area in the body, this is called referred pain, especially when one area compensates for another area due to diminished function in that area.


Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal condition that amplifies the way the brain processes pain, leaving pain receptors in overdrive.

The condition induces fatigue, wide-spread pain, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, headaches and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and even deep grief.

A sharp increase of fibromyalgia pain may be experienced during professionally or emotionally challenging situations.

Fibromyalgia presents us with a picture of deep systemic immune system malfunction

Stroke Recovery & Prevention:

A stroke is identified by numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg. You may have trouble seeing, speaking or feel confused, experience dizziness, balance problems, trouble walking or severe headache without cause.You may faint or experience a seizure.

Several days before a stroke patients may experience, tingling, headaches or numbness or even mini-strokes as early warning signs that a major stroke is on it's way.


A stroke is increased by high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and blood vessel disease or any conditions that may cause a blood clot to form. Heart valve disease, arterial fibrillation and carotid artery disease are all risk factors.

A transient Ischemic attack (TIA) is a pre-stroke. This is a smaller stroke caused by a temporary clot which was quickly resolved. These clots still have  a major effect on the brain due to possible oxygen deprivation.Immediate medical care is vital if you notice these signs. Observe the 4.5 hour rule at onset of a stroke in order to receive medicated IV tPA (intravenous tissue plasminogen activator) this may prevent long term motor loss and break cloths up quickly.

A stroke can be caused by a narrowed blood vessel, bleeding or a clot that blocks blood flow.




Start therapy as soon as possible after a stroke in order to regain mobitlity and function


Reduce your cholesterol levels, improve arterial health and stick to a mediteranean diet with fish instead of meat in order to prevent further strokes.


Artherosclerosis is the build-up of fat, cholesterol and other substances in and around arterial walls. These substances are called plaque and cause a narrowing of the arteries , which induce high blood-pressurewhich in turn increases the force of blood against arterial walls. 


Laser Therapy is also applied in case of:

  • Joint and bursa pain

  • Gasroenterological diseases

  • IBS

  • Cancer associated pain

  • Inflammatory skin diseases

  • Urogenital diseases

  • Traumas

  • Children’s diseases

  • Disease of the Endocrine System

What is Laser Light Therapy?

Credit for the development of the Laser theory should go to Albert Einstein who published his book “Zur Quantum Theories der Strahlung” in 1916.

In the late 1960’s Theodore Maiman utilized a technique of concentrating and amplifying monochromatic light and with two research teams developed a device known as a LASER.

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  reiki healing

Let me help you heal.... 

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing.

Reiki  practitioners guide the flow of energy stores in emotional memory-centres called chakras
Reiki reduces stress and promotes internal balance.

Reiki can be translated as Universal Life energy, used to heal oneself or others.

Reiki is a form of practical initiation passed on from Master to Teacher through an oral tradition and non-verbal energy-transmissions. The living lineage bearer embodies the energy of this system of healing, passed down through a line of Masters.
ikao Usui, Hayashi, Hawayo, Takata and Phyllis Lei Furomoto are recognized as the spiritual lineage of this system.

Reiki consists of our healing practices, personal development, spiritual discipline, and mystic order.
The nine-elements path has the potential to take a person on a profound healing journey, growth and spiritual journey, beyond words, mainly unfolding through experience.

Reiki is practiced through laying-on-of-hands.


Nia dance
nia dance

 mindful Movement

Moving with meaning as an expression of full-bodied aliveness.


Connected, conditioned, strong, flexible and agile bodies are clear instruments of perception.


Embodied spirituality is the act of RISING up to meet the spiritual dimensions of our experience, to raise our vibratory frequency to a higher octave.

A background in speech and drama, dance, martial arts and healing arts are combined  to enliven, strenghten, move, shape, increase mobility, flexibility and stimulate sensations of vibrancy.

Small weights may be added to strengthen and tone muscles, increase bone-density and lubricate tendons.


Bare feet long to drum out their song on the Earth, limbs sway like branches in the air and open hearts open  even wider, when stirred and touched by the music!

Enter, amplify, express, release and rejoice as we move in unified Bliss. Our mood is lifted and each cell is bathed in celebration. 

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Health is our greatest wealth

A Magical Life awaits.

Dive even deeper by joining our Magical Retreat

 +27 72 037 2453

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