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Charissa is a Bodywork Therapist, Laser Light Therapist, Counsellor and Nutritional Lifestyle Guide.

Charissa is a Primary Health Care Practitioner who specializes in Preventative, Naturopathic Treatments, Heartsong Healing Retreats, Nature Conservation and Conscious Connection.


She is also a Commercial Yacht Skipper with 7 years experience working in the Boating industry, including taking guests out to sea.


Charissa studied drama, ballet, modern dancing and tap dancing, Naturopathy, Massage Therapy, Primary Health Care, Philosophy, Archaelogy, Anthropology and is a Nia dance teacher.

Charissa says:


" Since I can remember, whenever I asked myself the question: "Why am I here? " The resounding inner answer was " I am only here to bring JOY."

My Life-journey has led me on many magical adventures, many beautiful experiences of love shared and much deep sorrow. I have been richly blessed by each life-lesson.


I have always loved children, babies, elderly people and nature.


I have been involved with Waldorf Education (since 1992) and Homeschooled my daughter Mira for 7 years. Children are close to my heart and I enjoyed being a Waldorf Kindergaten assistant and Waldorf Teacher. 

I love working with natural remedies, preventative care, nutrition and Laser light therapy.

Psychophonetics Counselling, based on the life-work of Dr Rudolf Steiner has been my Counselling modality of choise since 2009.


Psychophonetics is based on the wisdom found in Human speech and the sounds of the the letters of the alphabet as they are used in a healing context.


The first form of the phonetic alphabet was developed by Semitic workers living in Egypt on the basis of the hieroglyphic writing syststem, which was not a phonetic alphabet. The semitic alphabet was then adapted to noitic languages beginning with Greek around the 8th century BC.

The development of human speech is reflected in the various developmental stages of human civilizations.

In order to understand and appreciate the full dignity of the Human being I include the aspects of Nutrition and Breathing and how closely Nutrition is connected with our healthy development.

When we take in mineralized elements from nature something magical happens to them inside our bodies to re-enliven them into life-giving forces through our lymphatic system.

Once the blood becomes infused with new life-giving substances they are met with oxygen  which we take in from the air around us.


During this special meeting of blood with oxygen something changes in the blood.

This change takes place in our chest region and therefore this area is the seat of our feelings. Life originates between the processes which take place in the intestines and those processes taking place in the blood.

The human brain is connected with speech, through the convolutions in the left side of the brain. Should a person recieve an injury or heamorhage in the 3rd  convolution, left side of the brain, around the temple their speech will be impaired, for example which occurs during a stroke.

This interresting connection means human beings can speak because they have a healthy  left convolution of the brain.

Before a child has learned to speak this area of the brain  resembles a mush-like substance whereas in an adult it is artfully constructed. 

Thus, something happens to the brain while a child learns to speak.


When children learn to speak they also move their bodies in certain ways. The more a child learns to form their cries into sounds, strung together into words, the more these convolutions are formed.

Childhood cries are mostly vowels, later, out of crying or babbling, words are formed by adding the consonants.

Consonants are formed by moving the lips, whereas vowels are formed by moving the air from the chest outwards ( giving rise to the sounds of feelings from the chest).

Consonants are learned through imitation. If we say "L' we must move the tongue. The tongue is connected through nerves with the brain, thus through taking in experiences, imitating expressions and moving an organ, the brain and nerves are activated.

When we speak we also breathe, every breath also enters the spinal column and is received by the brain through the spinal fluid.


When a child cries his breath is moving up the spine towards the brain and shapes the formation of the convolutions of the brain, this indeed leaves an imprint or memory.


Children begin to speak when they connect their eye and ear perceptions with their breath and blood through the nerve system. Blood vesels and nerve fibers meet in the left convolution of the brain. When a person is left-handed the right convolution is structured.

Everything we do and everything we are exposed to changes the human being.


This is a very important fact and I see it's consequences over and over during Counselling sessions, we can not just tinker with Human development or Childhood Education.

Now that we can see how the brain is influenced by outside factors we can appreciate how importnat the influences from the outside are.

Here we can see how sounds work on the brain and we have not even touched upon the sounds we can not hear, which fall in the sonar range.


Yet, it is clear that sounds have an effect on the shaping not only of the brain but also the other organs as they are connected to perception.

But, we also have to view the human being as an integral part of the Universe and appreciate how the forces of the Universe affect the form of the Human and other beings.


This is a very interesting topic which will be dealt with in more details during my Retreat programs.

A New Field of Research and Study developed alongside my work when I first experienced swimming with Wild Dolphins in Hawaii in 2001.

Deep in the Ocean blue the waters sang with the joy of Dolphins, a new song, which reached deep into my heart and mind, giving shape to new faculties of perception.

These events occurred shortly after the 9/11 Twin Towers attack in New York. It was during this time that I started dreaming of Dolphins and Beluga Whales.

Encounters with wild Dolphins and the years living in Hawaii further shaped and informed my understanding of our interconnectedness and our path to wholeness.

I love Dolphins and Whales (Cetaceans). My love grew into a deeper understanding and recognition of the tremendous healing potential which is possible when we realise the Interconnectedness between Man and the External world.


How we express our relationship to the world around us, especially the Nature Kingdom, has a direct impact on our overall wellbeing.

Improving this relationship is a process towards healing and healthy development.

Healing Retreats in Hawaii and Africa offers participants a deep and transformational RESET.


We practice conscious breathing techniques, rejuvenate our bodies and cultivate a deeper connection with the Essence of our own Inner Guidance in connection with nature


We discover our own unique role in the tappestry of life.


We visit  sacred sites, active volcano, participate in yoni steam ceremony and male vion quest.


Should we encounter wild Spinner Dolphins when snorkeling we do not disturbe Cetaceans when they are eating or sleeping and never reach out to touch or grab, wild Dolphins.


Educating swimmers about Dolphin etiquette and how to behave should we come into the presence of wild Dolphins is integral to Heartsong Retreats.

We are influenced by what we see in movies and think it is right to grab a Dolphin's fin and go for a ride or place them in captive situations in the name of Education.


 Dolphins are conscious, sensitive, sentient beings, their skin is up to 600 times more sensitive than human skin.


We can learn more by entering their water-world respectfully and becoming students open to learning from them.

Since 2001, I incorporate what I have learned through my contact and association  with Wild Dolphins, in order to assist people on their journey towards Wholeness.


Yet, our wholeness can not depend on Dolphin unhappiness, only happy, thriving Dolphins in their natural habitat, swimminf freely can teach us from their authentic place in their natural environment.

Participants are inspired to meet their personal and health related visions and goals, to gain a deeper understanding of our  individual and collective roles as guardians, communicators with nature, playful creators and Architects of a New Earth.

The Ancient Hawaiian Culture and language comes very close to reflecting a state which can be expressed as "our original innocense", a bio-magical state, wherein Paradise on Earth may yet be regained through a conscious process of activation of our innate, regenerative, radiant life-force energy.

Heartsong Healing Retreats offers guests an opportunity to weave themselves in harmony with nature into a glorious, dedicated yet playful new tappestry with Life, for Life and to upgrade their overall functionality as well as fine tune their ability to communicate with wild animals.

To embrace both our pleasures and pain consciously helps us bridge the gap between our soul's longing and our physical reality.


Charissa Delphi
Multi-modality Wellness Architect

Natural Integrative Health-Care Practitioner.
Laser Light Specialist.
Human Development Coaching.

Anjali is a Sanskrit word, meaning Divine Offering.


Anjali is a salutation of respects and devotion.

Charissa devotes her life to the study and practice of Natural Healing Modalities.

Her work aims to Integrate physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions of our Human being.

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